> Do insects have brains.. if they do.. can they think and dream like us humans?

Do insects have brains.. if they do.. can they think and dream like us humans?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
They do have brains but they are both tiny and smooth. Smooth brains act only on instinct, there's no room for logic or thoughts just the basic blueprint to survival. So yes they have brains, but no they can't think

I saw something interesting on a documentary. This certain fly, lives in a hole in the ground. It was shown returning home with a small insect it had caught. It put the insect down, then went to the hole, and opened a door. it then went back to the bug, picked it up and took it down the hole. When it came back out, it shut the door and flew off for another. This time, it put the bug down, again about six inches from the hole. As it went to open the door, the researcher, picked up the bug with tweezers. The fly opened the door and returned to where it had put the bug. It used its mandibles to grab fresh air. It then went through the same procedure as it had the first time, even though it was not carrying anything. It ran on pure instinct. it had no intelligence, just like a little machine following a program.

Not only that, but many of them post on Yahoo Answers.