> Found bird with mites need to transport but don't want mites in my car?

Found bird with mites need to transport but don't want mites in my car?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
I'm taking it to Wildlife Rescue. If I take it in my car will the mites infest my car?? Thank you!

You can get a bit of Food Grade Diatoamceous Earth, OR, "Fossil Shell Flour", at a Health Food Store, and sprinkle it on the bird, as well as in its bedding . . . even around where you set it's box or cage. it scratches the outer covering, and causes the mites to dry out to death. (It works quickest, of course, in the least amount of humidity.) It is also sold specifically as an insecticide, but it costs more that way:

"Diatomaceous Earth: Pet Safe, Food Grade Insecticide"


The kind of mites that go on birds should only bother the bird. They'll want to stick to the bird not your car. You could also bring the bird in a box (the way a bird is brought home at a pet store usually).

The mites that birds have only bite birds. They are species specific. You need have no worry about getting bird mites from a bird unless you are a bird, too, which I doubt.

Not true, they can infest homes and cars and bother humans.

they will bother you but not as deadly as they are to birds but try to put it in a cloth bag

I'm taking it to Wildlife Rescue. If I take it in my car will the mites infest my car?? Thank you!