> Help me I.D this bird egg?

Help me I.D this bird egg?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
also here's a pic comparing it to a robin's egg, (egg in question on the left) see how it's green and less round?

Also before anyone freaks out, we got the robins egg from a nest that fell down during a storm. last year. the other two were smashed but this one was intact so we drained it and kept it. we didn't just take it from a nest or anything.

So I found this egg on the ground at my barn, (no it wasn't a ground nest type thing) it's a vary pale jade green color. About the size of a robins egg only it's not as round. It's longer and narrower. It's smooth and has no spots. I found it at my barn in norther MA.

btw those brown specks are dirt, it washed off when i cleaned the egg