> How can i tell if my cockatiels are a female or a male?

How can i tell if my cockatiels are a female or a male?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Google Images!

females have a pattern on the underneath of their tail feathers and males will not. The orange circles on a male will tend to be bright however a female's will be dull. :)

How old are they and what mutations?

If over 8mths old they should have their adult feathers and with some mutations you can see the sex.

Some mutations it is not easy. The simple thing to do is DNA blood or feather testing.

With some of them behavior will give you some clues.

the male is about 2 years old i think and my female i got her in her months which she is a baby i had her for a year now i think and i think shes a year old now

All male birds are bright color and sing and whistle,,,female bird are dull looking and just chirp....good luck

according to their behaviour.