> How do I help a wild bird?

How do I help a wild bird?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
What kind of bird is it? Throw a light towel over it and pick it up and put it in a dry box. Put news paper on the bottom and the towel over the top of it can calm down. take it to the vet or let it be and see how it is. :-)

Take it out carefully and ring the RSPCA! Please save the bird's life! I remember that a bird couldn't fly because it's wing was broken and everyone around it was just spitting on it and I felt heartbroken! I told my dad and we put it in our car and took it straight to the RSPCA! We saved a life, now it's your turn!

I have a kiddie pool by my house and it's pretty shallow. A couple of hours ago, I saw a bird in there. It appeared really stiff, but my mom went to go check on it and it bit her. It is still stiff and doesnt react to much, but its alive. What should I do??