> I am looking after my mums zebra finches?

I am looking after my mums zebra finches?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
for a month while she is on holiday.

they have laid an egg in their nest,,,,What do I need to know.....help

Mama bird and Papa bird will do all the work.

Tips you should get:

-birds wont start incubating (sitting on their eggs) until they lay 3 eggs.

-Give hard boiled egg crushed into powder (with shell) for calcium and protein, they will eat about 1 tsp of the mixture/ day keep the rest refrigerated and remove any remaining egg-food as it may spoil. You can search the internet for more complex egg-food recipes.

-Do not disturb the birds, Do not move the cage, Only get close to the cage when changing water and food.

Eggs should hatch 12-15 days after incubation started, if they don't hatch after 20 days remove the eggs and the nest as they are infertile or dead.

Remove the nest to stop hen from starting a second clutch as that will weaken her and possibly kill her!


hope you have some wonderful babies soon!

They maybe fertile if they are sitting on the eggs. If they are fertile and is incubated by the zebra finches, the babies will hatch in about 15 days.

It is better not to touch the eggs. They will care the eggs themselves if the eggs are fertile. If they are laying eggs for the first time, it is better not to touch the eggs because they may abandon it. They will take care of the eggs.

for a month while she is on holiday.

they have laid an egg in their nest,,,,What do I need to know.....help