> I have an eagle .. its 4 month old .. is it dangerous to let him go out from the cage in my house?

I have an eagle .. its 4 month old .. is it dangerous to let him go out from the cage in my house?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
I am scared abot getting attacked from the eagle ..but I want to play with it and raise it as a pit.

You are performing a highly illegal act. Eagles are protected by federal law and to disturb them in any way can result in in a HEFTY fine and /or jail time. If you are smart you will get hold of a wild life rehabilitator and have it returned to the wild.

Illegal to take in wildlife. Turn it loose where you got it. Take it to a rehab for health checkup first.

You are insane. Take it to a sanctuary or something similar. Play with toys, not living creatures! If the eagle attacks you I will be sorry for the eagle because you will have to get rid of it one way or the other. The poor animal is just a vistim of your stupidity!

call wildlife ranger and report that you found one asap, before you get in trouble...good luck

I am scared abot getting attacked from the eagle ..but I want to play with it and raise it as a pit.