> My 2 parakeets hate me and I've had them for 7 months!!!?

My 2 parakeets hate me and I've had them for 7 months!!!?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
I don't think the wing clipping is necessarily the problem. Lots of people clip their bird's wings and this helps keep them safe as long as the wings are being clipped correctly. This helps keep them away from things like ceiling fans, pots of water, open toilet seats, open doors, etc. Sometimes if you're not taking the birds out more often for positive experiences than you do for the wing clipping, they might learn to associate you with a scary experience. You might want to consider taking them to a vet for wing clippings instead, or just continue to try taking them out and rewarding them when they do come out more often. I think their behaviors have more to do with their personalities. Sometimes it takes birds a long time to bond with people, and the fact that you have two parakeets, they are probably more bonded to each other. You sound like you're doing a good job, just remember sometimes it takes a lot of practice and patience for a long time.

You seem like a very nice bird owner but I think there is something you are doing wrong. If you clip a budgies wing, it is like you are clipping off a persons arm. You are taking away their freedom of flight. Yes they may be able to fly a little but they can't soar like they would. I am not trying to be mean. Think about your budgies and the decisions you make for their health and life. I wish you luck and u hope this helps.

You don't really need to clip their wings unless you think there is a chance they can get out of the house on accident. Mine had his clipped when I bought him, but not since. I open the cage and have bird toys near me and some millet. I shake bells and shake bottles of dried corn to get his attention. He will come out, fly over, climb on me, eat millet out of my hand. He does not like to be held, but will sit on my hand. Then he goes back in his cage n his own.

Your budgies probably bonded to each other. If you wanted a close relationship with a budgie, you might have been better off to have stayed with one single budgie, preferably a male.

About 7 months ago I bought a budgie, then about a week after I got another budgie. I have a girl and a boy. I give them plenty of attention, food, water, 10-12 hours of sleep, toys and treats and they still hate me!!! Occasionally I will get to hold my boy bird(Blizzard), but not my girl (ButterBean). And if they are both out at the same time, I can't hold either one! I'm i doing something wrong? I clip their wings about once a month but they still can fly so I can't really hold them. I clean their cage every weekend, I'm so nice to them, but even after being with them for more then 3 hours a day, they still don't like me! Please give me advice, treats, tricks, anything that will make them like me a little more. Thanks!