> Please help?

Please help?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Call the vet and tell them your situation (no transportation) and what's going on. They'll press you to come in,but if you can't, you can't.

When every our birds weren't/aren't well we put them in the "hospital". Usually the dining room where it's quiet. We'd put some towels over the cage and leave only the very front open. Then we'd point a desk lamp at the back of the (covered) cage. Plenty of water, grit and seed are available.

Your little friend sounds very sick. Do call the vet even if you can't go in.

Best of luck to both of you.

take him to a bird vet ,,,you should not have this bird unless you know how to breed birds this bird is to young for you to take from its mother,,,if you dont feed him the right way he will die very soon.....good luck

Its a pet pigeon please help me

My bird is about 3 weeks old and he was normal yesterday but today he doesn't move he opens hes eyes but doesn't move and keeps opening hes beak and closing it I gave him food and water but hes still not moving I want to go to the vet but its really far it would take me 3 ahours by foot and the car isnt here.. Please help