> Please help! Giant bug and panic attack?

Please help! Giant bug and panic attack?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Did it look like this?

I think you should just kill it, smash it with something, as much as it pains me to say it.

These are desperate times and require desperate measures.

It's called a House Centipede and apparently, they're relatively harmless, but just to be on the safe side, don't let it bite you. In case you were considering it.

*i meant I can't go to BED not "her" I can't type and now it's on the wall again and it's really high up and it moves really fast what do I do??

There is a really disgusting scary bug in my room and I am having a panic attack what should I do?? I'm really squeamish and it fell off the wall and I'm too scared to look for it and what if it can fly or run really fast?? I might throw up.. And it's really late but I can't go to her because what if it GETS ME OH GOD and now I don't know where it is cuz I can't see it and I'm so paranoid and it looks like a huge gross looking centipede with some kind of stinger maybe? I don't know but it's nasty and I'm afraid of it and what if it's on me OH GOD HELP ok so how should I go about killing it? I'm super nervous should I like wear protective clothing? Gloves? Big boots? Use cleaning spray to drown it?? Plz help this is important!!!