> Saw a wren come out chickadee house - found a cracked egg on ground - i put up guard now -will parents return?

Saw a wren come out chickadee house - found a cracked egg on ground - i put up guard now -will parents return?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
i cannot see into the inside bottom of the box to know if there are more eggs and haven't seen the chickadees today

There was only one box and it was sitting on my porch a few feet from my door waiting to be put in a tree when 2 chickadees starting building a nest in March so I left it be and they show up every day. I Didn't worry because no other birds go near it. I have now opened the top to see inside and there are no more eggs and I haven't seen the chickadees in 2 days. Too sad. Will the chickadees return if I leave up the wren guard or should I just let then wren have it?

Wrens and a few other birds are notorious for destroying the contents of other bird's nest in their territory. It's just the way of nature. It's one reason why it is suggested when putting up nest boxes that are widely spaced.

i cannot see into the inside bottom of the box to know if there are more eggs and haven't seen the chickadees today