> Today I found a wild blue jay on the ground with a broken wing and a eye that is all red and I cant see out of it.?

Today I found a wild blue jay on the ground with a broken wing and a eye that is all red and I cant see out of it.?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
...and YOU can't see or the bird can't see?

I'm assuming you mean the bird...

In that case, there isn't much you can do. Maybe try to feed it some small insects as well.

If the eye is swollen or bloody like it's been in a fight, put some vasaline or something on it to help heal it.

Most vets wont care for wild animals so you're more than likely on your own: (

Some blue jays have red eyes so don't worry. Since vets won't take care of it, give it to your local rehabilitator. IF you don't have one near you, call the nearest and they will come and pick it up for you. Here is a temperary solution.

And I put it in a flower box and gave it a box of worms and a bowl of water... What do I do now?