> What can i feed foxes?

What can i feed foxes?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Why are you feeding foxes? And it's more likely that you're feeding local racoon and stray dog and cat populations.

I spoke with my dear friend Foxy Loxy, and he says a dozen eggs would be nice, especially if extra large, brown, free range and organic certified. And if you wouldn't mind, a nice thick slab of beef suet would be lovely. xo

foxes eat small warm blooded animals. rodents chickens etc. they MIGHT also eat insects but im not sure. i wouldnt know about vegetables. good luck with your pet fox

Chances are high that raccoons and opossums are gobbling your "fox food."

I dont want anyone saying "you shouldn't feed foxes there dangerous" or any rubbish like that only valid answers plz.

I know all about fox territory and that we should not feed them routinely blah blah blah and I DO NOT feed them near houses I do it in the country side.


I normally feed a mixture of dry and wet dog food and sometimes so dry cat food but I wanted to give some more natural foods.

is it ok for me to feed frozen chicks, rats etc? and what veg and stuff can i feed?