> Which animal can kill lions and tigers?

Which animal can kill lions and tigers?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Ignore Steven. Firstly, Water buffalo (which are found in Asia) haven't killed lions, that's Cape buffalo (which are found in Africa). And as for for bears, Asian black bears and Ussuri brown bears make up 8% of a Siberian tiger's diet. Dale and Misha were known as the bear killers, Dima killed eight bear all twice his own weight without injury.

Even in 1907, 1909, and 1962 Polar bears were mauled by Panthera tigris and Panthera leo. So you can imagine what a 225kg Siberian tiger would do to the smaller cousins. Mugger crocodiles are hunted by tigers, Nile crocodiles by lions.

Tigers are the only land animal known to kill fully grown elephants alone, and predate on calves. And the second biggest threat to rhinos, after illegal poaching is the tiger; from 1985 to 1995 there was 178 rhino deaths caused by tigers. I think we've covered the most formidable opponents. If you want to bring up venomous snakes, captive tigers have killed King cobras. Servals hunt puff adders (most dangerous African snake) so a Pantherine would annihilate it. And jaguars kill anacondas, and a jaguar would lose to a tiger or lion.

The conclusion is a tiger, the third largest carnivore can kill any animal, it's also the strongest land carnivore. Being able to drag 770kg while the Polar bear (1st largest) can only manage 598kg and the Brown bear (2nd largest) can only manage 500kg. A lion however is not as agile compared to tigers, and over thirty percent weaker in the fore and hind limbs, shoulder and hip joints. It is probably not physically capable of killing a fully grown elephant, hippo, or rhinoceros alone.

water buffalo can and have killed lions. sometimes taking down prey goes wrong for predators. hyenas can gang up on lone female lions. elephants, crocodiles as well. as for tigers: brown bears in siberia have killed tigers


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