> Would baby brown recluse spiders be able to pierce my skin if it attempted to bite?

Would baby brown recluse spiders be able to pierce my skin if it attempted to bite?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
I have not heard of spiderling recluse for biting, they may not have the strength to pierce skin.

As for your bite, if it is confirmed,(you caught it in the act of biting) keep the injury clean and use a topical antibiotic. The sores from these spiders can take a long time to heal, but if your injury is becoming severe, you should have it examined by a dermatologist or doctor.

Although many bites are insignificant,most can be treated with common first aid, and it is possible to get dry bites or other than a full dose of venom.

Bites from these spiders is very rare, and there are other sources of injuries mistaken for bites.

The worst that can happen is mis diagnosis and wrong treatment.

You sound like you have lived with these spiders a while, just take the typical precautions to avoid bites.

My aunt lived over 30 years in a recluse infested house, and was never bitten.

I live in central Texas and have been having a problem with BR spiders since I moved onto some new property. They have invaded our house and so far I've killed 3 adults (two in the bedroom) and about 7 very small babies. These have been positively identified as BR spiders by their violin, eyes and other characteristics. I have a spider bite that has a very small necrotizing lesion (little less than a pea) that is still progressing but slowly and two other bites in the same area that only ulcerated into tiny sores and are already healing. I am wondering if I got bit by an adult that didn't inject all it's venom because I've read that they can deliver dry bites and control their venom, or if I got bit by a baby who has less venom; but I really don't think they would even be able to pierce my skin.

Does anyone know for sure if the babies are capable of doing so?