> Does anyone know what kind of spider this is?

Does anyone know what kind of spider this is?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Your photo lacks detail to be certain, but its habitus (general appearance) looks to be a funnel web weaver of sort. Without your location, identification is very difficult.

You can compare to one of my pet field spiders:

That's a very interesting-looking spider, and not one that I recognize off-hand. It would help to know where you're located, as that would let us narrow it down. The body shape and very hairy legs suggest some sort of active hunter. Perhaps a funnelweaver, although it's not one I'm familiar with, or perhaps a Gnaphosid or other wandering hunter. If you're in North America, I would suggest you submit the photo to bug guide: http://bugguide.net/node/view/6/bgimage .

If you're in some other part of the world, you may be able to get an ID if you check with a major museum or large university's entomology department (that's where you usually find the spider people). Good luck!

My initial thought is orb weaver. They usually have larger bodies though, but it could be it. Personally, if I find a spider web in my yard or under the porch, I leave it. Spiders kill other insects, even wasps and flies and etc.

My partner and I are doing a transect project to observe around a certain area and the organisms that live in it. I kept trying to look up on the internet, but everyone just gives exotic spiders to identify and not these simple-looking spiders. It has what looks like a black and brown striped (OR DOTTED) back and a black head. It is what looks to be about 0.8 cm long with the legs. Please help us identify the common name or genus and species of this spider! Thank you so much!