> Help, baby crow has fallen from his nest, every time I try to grab him I get attacked by the mothet.?

Help, baby crow has fallen from his nest, every time I try to grab him I get attacked by the mothet.?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
You should not pick up a baby bird that you think has "fallen" from a nest. MOST times, they haven't; they are simply learning how to fly and aren't very good at it. They will hop and flutter their way to where they need to be as the day progresses. You don't say 2 large WHAT you have in your backyard, but if they are cats or dogs and you can take them inside, do so. The parents of the crow WILL attack any animal that tries to get to the baby, just as they did you, BTW.

"Baby crows hop out of their nest as they become feathered, and before they can fly. At that point, they can hop and flutter to get up to short landings and use their feet to "climb" to higher roosts. They spend a lot of time in low branches and on the ground during this stage of development (known as the fledgling stage), and the family members come down to feed the young ones when they cry. Likewise, crows also respond to "grounded" adults; they try to coax them to return to their higher lofts by cawing and diving at the grounded bird. This activity is frequently misinterpreted by humans as attacks on the helpless bird."


I wouldn't try to grab it. Its best chance is to let it try to find cover and have the parents take care of it. If you grab it, the parents may abandon it and it would probably then die. I just has a similar thing happen but the crow was able to fly a little and the parents only squaucked and mock attacked.

A baby crow felt from his nest, I'm trying to look for his jest but the mother attacks me, if I get close to the baby I get attacked by several of them. I have 2 large on the backyard and I'm afraid they might eat him. Any ideas on what can i do. I don't know we're the nest it, the second in go out I get attacked.