> In an atempt to give myself spider powers, I gave a spider high does of radiation and let it bite me.?

In an atempt to give myself spider powers, I gave a spider high does of radiation and let it bite me.?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
I didn't get spider powers and I now feel dizzy. What did I do wrong?

No, it just takes a while for those spider powers to kick in...didn't you see Spiderman? It took at least a few hours for Peter to get his.

However, if it's been days, thats because you've used too much radiation. You always have to measure the amount of radiation when you do an experiment with animals. Too much or too less can ruin it. I tried to make myself into a catgirl once, but I used too few radiation once, and now I have a penis...

Sad, really.


No you didn't.

This is Zoology, for asking actual questions about actual issues about actual science. This is not the place for tee-heeing over silly little teenage fantasy stories, in the hope of getting some attention. Come back when you've grown up.

You're better off being batman..may not have powers but at least you would be rich. Though i agree with smeghead, this is for actual zoology questions. Save your trolling for another website or forum XP

Your procedure was off. You're not supposed to let the spider bite you, you are supposed to bite the spider.

Haha, very funny (Not)

I didn't get spider powers and I now feel dizzy. What did I do wrong?