> URGENT please help me identify this spider?

URGENT please help me identify this spider?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Well, any spider like you describe will be quite harmless.

Sorry, I couldn't guess the genus or species without seeing the spider, but well could have been a wolf spider, grass (house) spider, and possibly juvenile.

Jump spiders can bite if trapped against the skin.

Bites I have had from such spiders, are hardly significant, and much like an ant sting or mild bee sting.

Nothing to worry about unless you have allergies to venom.

Some wolf spiders do have variations of white, so it's a strong possibility. Perhaps it could have been a jumping spider? If you haven't had a horrific response at the site of the bite, it might just be a harmless species. Could you tell us where you live, as in a state (assuming you're in the US)?

*edit: found a pic of a white wolf spider to show what I mean...does this look anything like what bit you?

I accidentally put my hand on a spider and it bit me. I've searched everywhere and can't identify it.

The spider was white all over, with black stripes down its abdomen from head to the back of the abdomen. It was a fairly small spider, and it had a body shape similar to a wolf spider but with a smaller head.

Please hurry I need to know if it's dangerous or not and I can't find anything like it on the internet.