> I think I just swatted a mosquito in my bedroom, but have always heard they don't exist in the UK?

I think I just swatted a mosquito in my bedroom, but have always heard they don't exist in the UK?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Probably wasnt a mosquito because where im from (Sweden) they don't buzz. They just suck some blood then fly away.

I'm from the south of USA and we get mosquitos but they don't buzz. They land on u, suck some blood, then leave. and your left with a bad itch. Nothing bad really, its just like getting bit by a flea. BUT they can carry a disease (I've been bit by thousands in my lifetime, no disease yet xD lol) but I don't think it was a mosquito. They are another as big as your fingernail. Search "blood sucker" they are alittle bigger so make noise... I believe.

I heard this droning, high-ish buzzing intermittently for an hour or so; I thought a piece of my tech was malfunctioning. Then I saw it: a flying insect that looked like a smaller, darker crane fly.

Its body is now squashed but from what I saw it definitely bore a superficial resemblance to the mosquito images on Google. The buzzing sound was unlike anything I've heard from a flying insect: monotonous, droning, in-and-out, almost like a crying sound. It wasn't particularly high but it wasn't a low sound.

Could it have been a mosquito? In a UK bedroom in April? Thanks.