> What gender is my budgie and why is its cere White also is it healthy also is it rare in any way?

What gender is my budgie and why is its cere White also is it healthy also is it rare in any way?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
What gender is my budgie and why is its cere White also is it healthy also is it rare in any way

Its most probably a male.

Budgies are not at all a rare bird.This coloration is also not rare among budgies.From this view its seems to be fine.If its fine it should make qkeening sounds if it has a mate.

agru is not right. i really do not understand why people always think its a male only cuz it has some blue.

male budgies have DARK blue ceres. female will rotate between white/light blue and crusty brown (breeding condition).

you have a 100% female. plz do not listen you people who say that is a male. they need to do their research!

oh, and that is not rare. budgies are super common, and that color is also very common. white cere just means its a female.

What gender is my budgie and why is its cere White also is it healthy also is it rare in any way